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  • 2013 Conference Highlights Photo Gallery

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    Keynote Address

    2013 Award Winners

    Catching up from last year

    A photo opportunity

    A visit from a wacky tacky tourist

    An animated moment from our prez

    And the winner is....

    Roy Hunter & Michael Watson - two of our esteemed educators

    Robert Otto, CEO

    Care for a cupcake anyone?

    Taking an afternoon cupcake break

    Dancing to the music of Papa Jack Express

    Decisions - decisions....

    Discussing a workshop

    Dr Bruce Eimer

    Enjoying S'mores at the Social

    Enjoying the evening activities

    Exhibitor Dr Janet Crain

    Can you find Larry Elman in the middle of all those books?

    Fine dining with colleagues from around the world!

    Four happy conference participants

    Friday evening entertainment

    Friday evening stage show

    Fun with the Hypnotizers on Friday night

    Go ahead - take a chance

    Happiness is....

    Hotel view from a guest patio

    Hotel view from the 4th floor

    Hurrying from class to class

    HypnoExpo friendly staff

    IACT Distinguished Service Award - George Bien

    IACT Humanitarian Award - H Larry Elman

    IACT Hypnotist of the Year - James Giunta

    IACT Lifetime Achievement - Marie Mongan

    IMDHA Diplomate Roy Hunter

    IMDHA Fellow Monica Geers Dahl

    IMDHA Presidents Award - Tim Shurr

    That breakfast bagel looks good!

    It doesn't get any better than this folks!

    Juan, Shelley and Michael having a good time!

    Keynote - audience intently engrossed

    Keynote address with Bruce Eimer and Robert Otto

    Larry Elman and Mello Vibes

    Saturday announcements by Linda Otto

    Morning sunrise!

    Morning Zumba workout

    One of the many display tables in the Exhibit Area

    Raffling off tickets for a worthy cause

    Saturday evening dinner

    Saturday no host cocktail hour

    Sharing a moment before dinner

    Starting the day off with a Zumba workout

    Sweet treats from the living table

    Get a gander at the selection of books!

    Popcorn served by the Wacky Tacky tourist

    The crowd enjoys the slow, rhythmic beat of the music

    Oh my - this takes me back to my girl scout days!

    We are having a fabulous time!

    Dennis & Jennifer Chong with Robert & Linda Otto

    A wonderful lecture to kick off the weekend!

    Enjoying a S'mores moment